This week on Talking to Ghosts we have the multi-talented artist Clamber! We talk about their theory of Non-Places, growing up with computers and homemade electronics, and creating temporary identities.
Clamber has many current projects and works to archive places and times before they disappear. To keep current on Clamber’s projects, visit their official website or for the strictly musical, check out their bandcamp.
Episode Link
Talking to Ghosts is produced and recorded by Michael Kurt and Wes Mueller. Our wonderful 5-year cover art is by Alicia Gaines (of the band Ganser, on tour now!).
Talking to Ghosts 155 // Clamber
March 09, 2020This week on Talking to Ghosts we have the multi-talented artist Clamber! We talk about their theory of Non-Places, growing up with computers and homemade electronics, and creating temporary identities.
Clamber has many current projects and works to archive places and times before they disappear. To keep current on Clamber’s projects, visit their official website or for the strictly musical, check out their bandcamp.
Episode Link
Talking to Ghosts is produced and recorded by Michael Kurt and Wes Mueller. Our wonderful 5-year cover art is by Alicia Gaines (of the band Ganser, on tour now!).
Oregon Artswatch
Now Hear This: October edition
Electronic pop, future folk birthday celebration, and live experimental
Various Artists, Boathouse Experimental Studios Compilation
Boathouse Experimental Studios, the underground movie house/performance space/cultural center, closed its doors permanently this year—a sad, slow death brought on by the ongoing pandemic. The space isn’t going away quietly, however. To commemorate its short, two-year existence, the people behind the venture have compiled a cassette release featuring artists that have performed at the Boathouse. It also serves as a great overview of Portland’s experimental music scene with tracks from the ever-prolific Daniel Menche, future jazz ensemble Halfbird, and warped beatmaker Ballooga.
Bento Records 2024 — Portland, Oregon USA